Dallas Arboretum

24 Nov

An outing to the Dallas Arboretum yielded all sorts of fun and adventure. We started out on the Chocolate Trail exploring the stages of chocolate growth and production from the bean to the candy store. What a fun way to trace back one of our favorite things to the earth!
We then moved on to Frontier Village which is exactly what it sounds like- a quaint little village of homes/buildings built to suit short people! The kids ran from building to building playing with the items inside and then ventured to the next field to the teepee with animal hides and charts showing how the Native Americans used every party of the animals they killed, the covered wagon, the metal bathing tub next to the fire pit used to heat the water from the well just to the other side, the sod house with the step-by-step pictures of how it was built… To top it all off- there’s a letterbox hidden just outside the Arboretum! East Dallas is a gorgeous area. This was a great day.

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Posted by on November 24, 2007 in Uncategorized



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